391st BOMB GROUP: Field Order No. 42
Field Order:42
Page Start:167
Date Order Sent:6 May 1944
Zero Hour (Day number + Time):070900b
Target(s) (Primary, Secondary, Alternate):Z643. 288029.
Fighter Escort:P-38 of Ninth Fighter Command will furnish escort.
Rendezvous:with 386th group at Hastings at 8000 feet at zero hour plus 28 minutes. The 386th group will lead. With fighters at Tocqueville at 11000 feet at sero hour plus 45 minutes.
Route Out:Base to splasher no. 8 to Hastings to Tocqueville to St. Just to IP to target.
Route Back:to rally point to 50d48n/03d45e to Furness to North Foreland.
Initial Point (IP):49d31n/04d45e
Axis of Attack:355 Degrees.
Emergency Airdromes:West Malling.
Intervalometer Setting:50 feet
Bomb Load:4x1000gp fused 1/10 sec nose and 1/100 sec tail.
Purpose/Notes:bomb by flights on converging axes of attack.