391st BOMB GROUP: Field Order No. 213
Field Order:213
Page Start:202
Date Order Sent:25 Feb 1944
Zero Hour (Day number + Time):251010a
Target(s) (Primary, Secondary, Alternate):Z290 (1).
Fighter Escort:RAF 11 Group will furnish escort and support.
Rendezvous:50d18n/01d20e at zero plus 10 min.
Route Out:Base to Hastings to Fighter rendezvous to Cayeux to 49d55n/02d00e to 3 miles north bapaume to Target.
Route Back:Target turn left to 49d55n/02d00e to Cayeux to Hastings to Base.
Altitudes:Bomb 11500 feet, cross enemy coast out 11500 feet.
Initial Point (IP):3 miles north of Bapaume.
Axis of Attack:WSW to ENE.
Emergency Airdromes:Manston and Gravesend.
Intervalometer Setting:100
Bomb Load:18x100GP fused instantaneous.
Purpose/Notes:To Assist heavies by raising enemy fighters and engaging them so as to Cause them to Land for refuelling and rearming at the time the heavies are crossing this section of occupied territory.