391st BOMB GROUP: Field Order No. 16
Field Order:16
Page Start:1486
Date Order Sent:20 Apr 1944
Zero Hour (Day number + Time):201330b
Target(s) (Primary, Secondary, Alternate):Z3121 (P). MPI: 014033.
Fighter Escort:RAF Spitfires will furnish escort.
Route Out:Base to Dungeness to 3 miles south Hardelot to Desvres to Target. Leave Dungeness at zero plus 30 min.
Route Back:Turn left to 3 miles west of Gravelines to North Foreland.
Initial Point (IP):Desvres.
Axis of Attack:55 Degrees.
Emergency Airdromes:
Intervalometer Setting:minimum
Bomb Load:8x500gp fused 1/10 sec nose and 1/40 sec tail.
Purpose/Notes:Page 1478: 1st box bombed NoBall at Foret National de Tournehem, 2nd box bombed radar station at Groveslines With fair results on both targets. 2nd box made 2 runs on PT but did not drop. 3/4 cloud cover.