391st BOMB GROUP: Field Order No. 452
Field Order:452
Page Start:807
Date Order Sent:9 Feb 1945
Zero Hour (Day number + Time):091030A
Target(s) (Primary, Secondary, Alternate):F-191780
Fighter Escort:
Route Out:Base to K-2682 to K-5691 to target.
Route Back:Turn left to K-8664 to base.
Altitudes:13,500 feet.
Initial Point (IP):K-5691
Axis of Attack:105 degrees.
Emergency Airdromes:NULL
Intervalometer Setting:70 feet.
Bomb Load:4 x 1000 G.P.: 1/10 nose, 1/100 tail.
Purpose/Notes:Zero plus 30. No bombing by window ships. Annex No.1 zero hour now reads 09/1100A. Change 1/100 tail to read 1/40 tail. Annex No.2 (6) add lose 1,000 ft after tgt. Annex No.3. All gps on these tgts F-074959 F-061961 F-191780 will use primary tgt as sec. Gee tgt. Annex No.4 zero hour now reads 09/1430A.