391st BOMB GROUP: Field Order No. 225
Field Order:225
Page Start:511
Date Order Sent:15 Aug 1944
Zero Hour (Day number + Time):151000b
Target(s) (Primary, Secondary, Alternate):4902E/B/39
Fighter Escort:P-38s will furnish escort for the 391st group.
Rendezvous:with fighters at 4951n0036e at 11500 feet at zero hour plus 10 min.
Route Out:base to Worthing to F/R to 4934n0111e to 4927n0131e to 4936n0204e to 4925n0250e to 4913n0251e to 4906n0244e to target.
Route Back:turn right to 4925n0200e to 4927n0131e to 4943n0111e to 4951n0036e to Worthing.
Initial Point (IP):4906n0244e
Axis of Attack:275 degrees
Emergency Airdromes:NULL
Intervalometer Setting:30 feet
Bomb Load:2x2000gp 1/10 and 1/40.
Purpose/Notes:bombing will be done by flights.