391st BOMB GROUP: Field Order No. 166
Field Order:166
Page Start:15
Date Order Sent:16 Jul 1944
Zero Hour (Day number + Time):161030b
Target(s) (Primary, Secondary, Alternate):St Lo
Fighter Escort:Allied aircraft will furnish area cover for the 391st group.
Route Out:base to St Albans Head to 4932n0157w to target.
Route Back:target turn left to 4923n0054w to St Catherine's Pt.
Altitudes:12500 first box, 12000 second box.
Initial Point (IP):4932n0157w
Axis of Attack:125 degrees
Emergency Airdromes:NULL
Intervalometer Setting:100 feet
Bomb Load:16x250gp, 1st element of each flight inst nose, 2nd element each flight 1/100 tail.
Purpose/Notes:Formations will be prepared to bomb blind or visual. Bombing will be done on the PFF leader regardless of weather except in the case of PFF equipment failure. In case of PFF equipment failure the PFF leader will call the group leader and bombing will be done visually.